
Stefan Baumann Collector Registry


Image of an oil painting titled "Mt Shasta Dogwood Blossoms" by Stefan Baumann

Mt. Shasta Dogwood Blossoms
By Stefan Baumann

We encourage anyone who owns an original painting by Stefan Baumann to join our Collector Registry. This will help us authenticate and collect provenance information to provide to the secondary art market in the event of resales or inheritance liquidations, and assist primary owners to facilitate current appraisals for insurance or other purposes. If at all possible, please be prepared to upload a photograph of your painting where it currently hangs when submitting the Collector Registry registration form. If you can submit a photograph of the back side of the painting, that will also be very helpful.

We are assembling a list of Baumann paintings that are in private or corporate collections. If you have a Baumann painting in your collection, we would like to know about it, including the subject, title, size etc. This list will remain confidential unless you wish to loan your painting to a museum, show, or gallery that is featuring the early works of Stefan Baumann. We are also assembling a catalog of paintings that may be used in books, articles, and blogs and we would like to feature a photo of your Baumann painting from your collection. Please fill in the information below.

If you have recently purchased a painting and want to register it with us, please fill in the information below. All information will be kept confidential and will never be shared in any way without obtaining your prior permission.

Be the first to be notified about a show and receive exclusive information that is sent only to collectors of Stefan Baumann’s artwork.

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    Please write your message below. If you would like us to contact you by phone, please include your phone number in your message.

    If you have an image of your Stefan Baumann painting, please upload it here:

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    Stefan Baumann
    Image of an oil painting titled
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