While traveling to one of my destinations along the coast of Half Moon Bay, I discovered this abandoned horse trailer alongside a muddy road. Interested in discarded old items for subjects, I captured it en plein air, alla prima, before Nature reclaimed it for herself.

Traveling as an artist, one discovers interesting artifacts discarded everywhere, many soon to be reclaimed by nature. That is the fascinating thing about nature – “She Always Wins”. I was traveling to do some painting studies along the coast and just about south of Half Moon Bay near Pescadero.
One never knows what one might discover when traveling the back roads. I believe one of the beauties of painting is traveling where others pass by, searching for America’s history in people’s back yards. These paintings, or studies, are means for an artist to remember not just a location like a camera would but to remember the trip and what was discovered along the way. Think of it as the artist’s camera, with one difference: if you just pass by a place and snap a photo you will never get the same feeling as you will after standing in one place for an hour and getting to know your subject. You are filling your soul with beauty. Sure it takes longer to get there, but your insights will be saturated and your memory recall will be rewarded!