Artists create! We create music, we write, we dance, and we create art for the purpose of self-discovery and self-expression. Our need to express is an inherit part of our being and is truly the essence of being human. Our need to communicate with others is the...
The Secret of Painting from Life If you want to see the world as spectacular as it is, walk in the forest with an artist. The painter’s eye is more sensitive and receives a vast amount more information than a normal person who is seeing the same view. When students...
I woke this morning with the feeling that something had changed. The air felt a little crisper, the sky looked a little darker and I could smell the earthy scent of leaves scattered on the ground in the woods. Yes, this is the feeling of fall, my favorite time...
Honing Your Skills Before Painting Plein Air Unlike most artists, plein air painters abandon their studios, pack up their paints, brushes, canvas boards and easels to paint in the countryside where they capture their subjects and compositions direct from nature. This...
People who know me know that I love painting Wildlife en Plein Air. Sketching animals and birds in their natural habitat is a favorite painting activity of mine and I always look forward to the challenge. I find that painting on location enhances my perspective and...
One of the differences between being an ordinary artist and an extraordinary one is that an extraordinary artist has the ability to stay motivated and passionate. In fact, the most important attribute that helps a person become a successful artist is not whether they...
View current paintings created recently from the private studio of Stefan Baumann. Witness for yourself the grandeur and awe of America's spectacular western landscape and see how you can acquire an original American oil painting masterpiece painted by one of the leading wilderness painters of America.