Online Coaching with Stefan Baumann
Not close enough to take classes in person with Stefan? Not a problem!
Online coaching is designed to meet the needs of students who live anywhere in the world.
Testimonial by Artist R.B.(Bernie) Christian III
I first learned about the artist Stefan Baumann by watching many of his YouTube videos on art
instruction and painting. From review of hours and hours of videos, I knew he was one of the most
credible instructors I could find. His credentials and experience in all things having to do with art,
impressed me. I was looking for a coach and he is one of the few out there that offered it. Upon realizing
this, one day in August of 2022, I called him up and he answered the phone. Stefan was very engaging
and friendly, and I knew right away that he was going to help me improve my skill and help me take my
artistic skills to the next level. Afterward, we began with a once a week 30-minute call. Each week Stefan
reviewed and critiqued the previous week’s painting assignments to determine my knowledge and skill
level. I was excited for the opportunity to coach with him and pushed myself to complete each painting
prior to the next call, sending the current week’s painting to him via email for each discussion. After 6
months of coaching with Stefan, I have improved my knowledge of materials, framing, composition,
focal points, light and temperature and painting from life to name a few. The accountability factor
(another benefit of coaching) has also improved the amount of time it takes me to complete a painting.
One of the best and more notable things that I’ve learned from Stefan is that “shadows are warm, and
highlights are cool” …otherwise, you may end up with a muddy or chalky painting. One of the most
recent things I’ve learned from him is how to quickly and easily establish an artist website to display my
art and sell it online. He set me on the right path, and I am so grateful for that.
He also conducts plein air painting get aways. So, later this week I’m looking forward to attending his 3-
day plein air painting event in Nevada. I know I’m going to learn some great things from him about art
and painting outdoors while there.
In short, Stefan is a treasure trove of art knowledge, and he loves to coach. He has inspired me and
helped me improve my painting more than anyone I can think of in the last 25 years. And through this
process, we have become friends. Combined with his charming sense of humor, I can truly say that I look
forward to every call session with him and you will too.
If you are considering hiring an art coach and want to launch yourself to the next level, I highly
recommend hiring Stefan Baumann as your art coach today. Life is too short to struggle when you can
leap ahead with a great coach like him.
Testimonial by Artist Chance Tedesco
I have been painting my whole life and aspired to become a professional artist in the last year. You have been coaching me now for just under two months. In that time I can truly say the leaps and bounds of growth have been nothing short of phenomenal (both my opinion and the comments from family, friends, and clients). My approach, technique, attitude, and skill have all changed for the better in just that short time. I felt it necessary to inform you of the impact you have made in both my professional and personal life. Even down to what I paint with and on has evolved due to your coaching.
To say I look forward to what the future holds with my art career and being a student of yours would be an understatement. I am now entering competitions and bringing to the table paintings that I imagined would take me decades to acquire the skills and knowledge to produce, but with your one on one coaching that is happening now. I cannot express in words alone my thanks for your dedication to honesty, integrity, and love of helping others chase their dreams so I will have to continue to paint it.
If you want to discuss this opportunity to work with me as your personal art coach, let’s talk about it on the phone since that is where our coaching calls will take place.
My phone number is 415-606-9074.
Please feel free to call me if you would like more information about how personal coaching might work for you.
Testimonial by Artist Stefan Fuchs

Baumann Coaching Student Silke Sauritz

Baumann Coaching Student Silke Sauritz
If you are interested in having me as your personal art coach, let’s talk. For each person I coach, I prearrange a set-aside time every Week, and it is up to the student to call me at that time for their personal coaching session. Each coaching call is 30 minutes.

Baumann Coaching student Virginia McClure
How Does it Work?
Students send me a photo of the painting that they worked on during the week (from an image that I selected for them to paint). Students do their best to complete my request. I review their painting and offer comments that address what is successful about the painting and what is missing or could be improved. I also look at other work that they may have done during the week.

Baumann Coaching student Sherry Lee Lupo
I Coach At All Levels from Beginning to Advanced
Some students want to become professional artists and I offer advice about how to set up websites and Facebooksites and help them create their artist’s mission statement. The focus of the weekly session is determined by what each student requires to get to the next level. Students can also text me during the week to me ask quick questions about their paintings. It’s like having a personal coach in your pocket 24/7!

Baumann coaching student Divyanshi Rastogi
How Much?
The fee for this service is $180.00 a month and students pay via credit card. You can quit at any time.
If you want to discuss this opportunity to work with me as your personal art coach, let’s talk about it on the phone since that is where our coaching calls will take place.
My phone number is 415-606-9074.