
Mount Shasta: Illusion of Grandeur Original Oil Painting by Stefan Baumann

18×29 Golden Mean Oil Primed Linen Canvas Stretched on Wood Bars


4″ Dark custom wood frame


Lower Left – Baumann GV Date Completed: 2014


Masterpiece C Pro, Hand written by the Artist, Illusion of Grandeur, Mt. Shasta, Stefan Baumann, 2014

Artist’s Comment

This painting represents a style called Romantic Realism, a truly American way of seeing and painting the Grand American landscape. Early painters who traveled west like Albert Bierstadt, Fredric Church and Thomas Moran wanted to see if the grand landscapes that were written about by Lewis and Clark actually existed. These paintings captured the vast and magnificent scenes of magical places in the west so that people in the east could view what they were unable to see any other way. The Hudson River School style of painting did not just render the landscape geographically accurate; but instead, these artists painted from their hearts and represented the feelings of the awe and wonder they experienced being at the scene of the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and other extraordinary vistas for the first time.
This painting of Mount Shasta is painted from my heart and imagination. I was inspired one summer evening when I traveled by Mount Shasta and the moon revealed herself through overcast clouds enhanced by colors of the setting sun. Many of the vistas and grand views that I have painted while exploring are embellished by my imagination, making them Grand Illusions of the actual scenes of nature and life.


Currently held by the artist



If you wish to acquire this fine original oil painting locally or if you have questions about this painting, please contact the artist at 415-606-9074 or email him at stefanbaumannartist@gmail.com.


The price of this original oil painting includes shipping.

This painting will be displayed in Stefan Baumann’s One Man Show: “Reverence, An Artist’s Tribute to Nature” at The Orland Art Center in Orland, California September 1 through 27, 2014.


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Stefan Baumann
This is a painting of Mt. Shasta called Illusion of Grandeus by Stefan Baumann and a near-by lake that illustrates the magnificence and beauty of the volcanic mountain.
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