
Stefan Baumann – Portfolio of Paintings by Category

Here we present a portfolio of artist Stefan Baumann’s paintings in image galleries divided by genre and/or category. While one can visit the complete catalog of paintings by Stefan Baumann to see all the images we have available for his artworks, we felt that showcasing them in separate categories would be a thoughtful presentation to offer for the convenience of visitors who find one genre more appealing than others.

While Baumann is best known for his landscape paintings of America’s National Parks painted en plein air, he has also created many wildlife paintings, Christmas paintings and more which overlap categories. In addition, Baumann has painted many beautiful florals and still life paintings, as well as architectural pieces that highlight historic buildings and homes, pleasant landscapes that include houses, and classic landscapes with barns. Baumann’s paintings of Mount Shasta, near his northern California home at the Grand View Ranch, include a gorgeous array of views of this spectacular and spiritual mountain from various vantage points at different times of year, in a range of weather conditions and lighting.

A recently added portfolio category showcases Baumann’s Western Heritage art with paintings that depict scenery with cowboys, cattle and other themes that define the heritage of the American West.

Finally, the Select Paintings category includes only those paintings which Baumann considers his best work, separated from the rest for the convenience of gallery owners, art show jurors and art museum curators considering his work for exhibitions and competitions.

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Stefan Baumann
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