What to Bring
We request that students bring the supplies listed below to Stefan Baumann’s Plein Air Painting Workshop

A wet canvas carrier is highly recommended for carrying your paintings home! Raymar works well, but be aware that it only carries boards, not stretched canvas.
Necessities like tape, small plastic cups, and paper towels are provided for all participants. We will also have wax paper on hand for use as canvas paper.
You will need to bring your own easel! Stefan recommends bringing an umbrella as the sun can be intense around mid-day. Furthermore, he suggests a thumb (pochade) box for afternoons in Mt Shasta. Utrecht sells one that is quite small and reasonably priced.
Oil Paints
Stefan’s recommended paint colors:
• Alizarin Crimson.
• Ultramarine Blue.
• Cobalt or Cerulean Blue.
• Winsor Lemon (Lemon Yellow).
• Winsor Yellow (Cadmium Yellow Light).
• Titanium White.
• Burnt Sienna or Asphaltum.
Optional, additional colors:
• Permanent Yellow-Green or Thalo Yellow-Green.
• Permanent Red Rose or Thalo Red Rose.
• Viridian Green.
• Cadmium Red Light.
• Cadmium Yellow Medium.
• Odorless paint thinner – Stefan recommends Gamsol or Mona Lisa and a small sealed container.
Stefan’s recommended brushes:
• Filbert 2, 4, 6, 8.
• Flat Small Sable 2, 4, 6, 8.
• one or two detail brushes and a Script brush.
• Your favorites!
Optional Brushes:
• Black Gold #4 Fan Brush.
• Palette Knife.
• Wood palette or palette paper.
S• ketching Material: Pencil, Eraser, Pencil Sharpener, or Charcoal.
Your choice, but remember that you have to carry your paintings home. Therefore, you need to make sure your transport tool of choice (Raymar wet canvas carrier, for example) will accommodate your canvas sizes. Make sure your easel fits as well, of course.
Board/Panels Only:
• Required Size: 9 x 12.
• Amount: 10.
• Pochade box: EasyL Versa kit or Pro kit: www.artworkessentials.com, Sienna Pochade box and tripod or Strada Box.
• Roll of Viva Paper Towels.
Optional Equipment
• Stool Or Chair
• Sunscreen / Suntan Lotion
• Bug Repellent
• Pliers
• Brush Holder
• Bungie Cords
• Luggage Carrier With Wheels
• Hat With A Brim
• Bottled water
• Camera
• Canvas Carrier (or pizza boxes)
• Trash Container
• Headlamp with dimmer or mini BBQ light to provide light for your palette or canvas for a Nocturnal paint out.

To order, call 503-396-7060