
Yosemite Half Dome:  After the Storm Original Oil Painting by Stefan Baumann

20×16 Oil on Oil Primed Canvas Stretched on Wood Bars


4″ custom Driftwood with Gold Liner and Driftwood Inner Liner


Lower Right – Baumann  GV in Red     Date Completed: 2012


Stefan Baumnann, “After the Storm” Oil on Canvas, 408-606-9074, 85 Cerritos SF CA 94127

Artist’s Comment

After spending many weekends exploring Yosemite,  I’m always impressed by the view of Half Dome from Glacier Point. I also have a great respect for summer storms in the Sierras. As a boy growing up in Lake Tahoe, I would often hike to hidden lakes on a beautiful afternoon, and without warning, a summer downpour would occur with significant lighting and thunder. These sudden storms could be deadly, and many people were hurt and  died when they were caught off guard roaming the Sierras and climbing Half Dome in Yosemite.  I know the warning signals of an approaching storm.  You can feel the electricity in the air.  When I saw the clouds darken and roll into the valley, I could tell that another sudden lighting storm was brewing. But I was in the middle of painting from a wonderful vantage point where I could see Half Dome, and there was nothing that could stop me from painting this amazing vista.  I found some shelter in on outcropping of rocks and  painted while it rained; and after what seemed like hours, I looked up to see a rainbow announcing that the storm was over.   I began my hike back home but not before I painted a few brush strokes of color to remind me that after the storm, comes the rainbow. This painting was done both on location and finished in my studio.


The Gallery in Mount Shasta, 2014 “One Man Show, “Western Scenes and Wildlife” Collection
Reverence, An Artist’s Tribute to Nature Art Show 2014, Orland Art Center, Orland, CA
Currently held in the Collection of Barbara Ferguson and David Marks



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