Yosemite National Park View from Glacier Point, oil on canvas.
Painting by Stefan Baumann.
Painted on location en plein air, alla prima, from Glacier Point.
This painting is looking toward the south Yosemite Valley.
by Stefan Baumann | Jan 26, 2021 | Landscapes, National Parks, Paintings Posts, Plein Air, Select Paintings | 0 comments
Yosemite National Park View from Glacier Point, oil on canvas.
Painting by Stefan Baumann.
Painted on location en plein air, alla prima, from Glacier Point.
This painting is looking toward the south Yosemite Valley.
View current paintings created recently from the private studio of Stefan Baumann. Witness for yourself the grandeur and awe of America's spectacular western landscape and see how you can acquire an original American oil painting masterpiece painted by one of the leading wilderness painters of America.